A Message from Pastor Sherman J. Fort

           September 4, 2020


Greetings in the safe, secure and saving name of our living LORD and Liberator Jesus Christ.  I pray this letter finds you and your household prospering and in good health even as your souls prosper.

Let me begin by praising our God for His continued love, mercy and grace and thanking you for your faithful commitment to our God and His people that make up the community that is CMBC/TWC.  To every individual and family who has experienced the transition of a loved one from earth to eternity know that Pastor Fort and our church family is praying for you.

Please note the following updates for September 2020:

  1.  Celebrating 30 years of pastoral service:  I am asking every church family member and friend to join me in celebrating the 30th Pastoral Anniversary.  Service times are:  Sunday, September 20th at 8:00am and 10:30am, Tuesday, September 22nd at 5:30pm on Zoom will include various pastor friends; and Sunday September 27th at 8:00am and 10:30am.  Special guests include:  Rev. Dr. MarQuerita Story, New York City, Pastor James N. Preston, Phoenix, AZ., Pastor Raymond Walker Jr., Phoenix, AZ., Pastor Troy C. Allen, Phoenix, AZ and Pastor Milton Pleasant, Phoenix, AZ.  I am calling Tuesday evening “Friends” night and will include pastors and preachers from CMBC/TWC and beyond.  I am asking everyone that can to give a sacrificial gift of $30.00 or whatever amount God lays on your heart to Pastor Fort for this 30th anniversary celebration.  Your financial gifts are greatly appreciated and will go a long way in encouraging and helping Pastor Fort. 
  2. Church Facility Updates:  Our church facility is receiving its first external paint job since construction was completed.  The paint job is scheduled to be complete in the next several weeks.  Next, the grass area immediately south of the sanctuary is being converted.  The grass area will be replaced with concrete and a pergola erected in its place.  The pergola will include two fans and will cover a space of approximately 40 feet by 22 feet.  This project has begun and is scheduled for completion in the next several weeks.  This space gives our ministry much needed outside space that will be utilized in a variety of ways to help us facilitate ministry.                                                                                                                                           
  3. Our Wedding Plan Update:  Our wedding date is set.  Sis. Tiffani Davis and I will wed Sunday, October 11, 2020.  We are busy finalizing details for our intimate, wedding ceremony.  In light of international restrictions and safety protocol regarding the covid-19 pandemic the wedding ceremony will be intimate, adhere to all safety regulations and include just a few people.  That said, Tiffani and I formally and officially request the honor of our you, our church family to join us virtually as the ceremony is set to be streamed online.  By choosing the unique service we have chosen we are able to extend the invitation to all of you attend AND participate in the service with us live online.  More information on the exact time, how to join us live online, etc. will be provided soon.  For now please keep the afternoon of Sunday, October 11, 2020 open.  And more than that lease keep us in your prayers.  We are praying for you. 
Now, may The LORD bless you and keep you.  May The LORD cause His face to shine upon you, be gracious to you, lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

Pastor Sherman J. Fort

Post Script:  For more information visit the church website, Facebook, YouTube and Live Stream resources online.  You may also call the church office at:  (480) 835-6320 Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 2:00pm.  
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